
AI-powered analysis for music authenticity.

About Soundscape

Exploring AI's impact on music creation.

a computer keyboard sitting on top of a table
a computer keyboard sitting on top of a table
a computer circuit board with a brain on it
a computer circuit board with a brain on it

AI Music Analysis

Discover if your music files were created by generative AI technology with our innovative tool.

Upload Your Music

Easily upload your music files for analysis and receive detailed insights on their authenticity.

several guitars beside of side table
several guitars beside of side table
Get Results Fast

Receive quick and accurate results to understand the origins of your music creations.

music room with lights turned on
music room with lights turned on

Soundscape Project

A senior project utilizing AI to analyze music file authenticity.

round black vinyl disc on vinyl player
round black vinyl disc on vinyl player
AI Music Analysis

Detects AI-generated music files uploaded by users effectively.

shallow focus photography of audio mixer
shallow focus photography of audio mixer
selective focus photography of red drum set
selective focus photography of red drum set
lines of HTML codes
lines of HTML codes
Deepfake Detection

Identifies music created with generative AI and deepfake technology.

Get In Touch

person holding white acoustic guitar
person holding white acoustic guitar

Contact us to learn more about our AI project analyzing music files for generative AI detection.